Picket us!


Kate had this crazy idea that we should register for individual fence pickets and then build a fence for our front yard. This seemed a bit complicated, and we weren’t quite sure we were up for the full pickets-up fencebuilding experience. But we talked to our buddy Neil at AVO Cedar Fence in Stoughton, and he agreed to help with this scheme.

Above, you can see (more or less) what the fence will look like in front of the house. Drag the slider left and right to get the full experience.

It’s made up of the following pieces:

  • 2 4×6′ fence panels ($37.84 ea.)
  • 1 4×7′ fence panel ($48.78)
  • 8 4×8′ fence panels ($52 ea.)
  • 14 5×5″ drilled fence posts ($26.06 ea.)
  • ? x hours of digging and painting (priceless)

We’d love to be able to point to a fence that our friends helped build. If you’d like to chip in, you can call either Neil or Tom at AVO, and they’ll hook you up. Their number is (781) 341-2963.

Since the main bookkeeping system for all this is a clipboard behind the desk over at AVO, we’d appreciate it if you could fill out this form if you purchase any fence bits — that way we can ensure that everything lines up on the other end.